How To Prepare For A Tornado
Listen to the radio and television to hear about weather warnings from the weather bureau. Go to your basement or and underground shelter if you don't have one. Have a medical kit, food and water to make sure you will be safe. People can't stop tornadoes but being prepared helps a lot.
How To Respond To A Tornado
If you are at home and have a basement go to the lowest floor, and if you are in your car leave immediately and find shelter. Never try to outrun a tornado. Stay right away from windows because flying debris will fly through. Don't enter an elevator because the power might turn off.If you don't have a basement crawl under a staircase, table or desk. If you are outside with no buildings around lie in a ditch or on the ground face down, with your hands on your neck. If you are at school or at work follow the emergency procedures.
How To Recover From A Tornado
Stay inside until safe and follow instructions from local police. As buildings, trees and electrical wires could still collapse. Stay away from fires if you see any. Once it safe return to your home. Remember if you are in a tornado please be careful.